Welcome to the 2023 BHHR/CPYC Wed Night Racing Series I Information page.
Wed : May 31,Jun 7,21,28,Jul 5,19

(Registration Not Open)
(Registration Not Open)

Wed Jun 28, 2023 : 16:07

tonights race

The most recent Clime radar from NOAA shows weather hitting Boston Harbor during our race times. Weather is projected to travel from southwest to northeast and the site shows lightening 20 miles away. Therefore since many skippers and crews have to travel, and in an abundance of cation, I am cancelling tonights race. Sorry. See you next week.

Happy Fourth


Wed Jun 28, 2023 : 15:47

tonight 3:45 PM

The forecasts and radars are all over the place in their predictions. With the sun out and temperatures at 80, am concerned with pop up storm. Stay alert for an announcement just after 4 PM. 


Wed Jun 28, 2023 : 12:59

Racing tonight 6-28

I am watching the weather and  this afternoon very closely in order to make a decision about weather to race tonight or not. The most recent forcasts have weather coming in at 7 PM. But the forcasts have been chcanging all morning. My concern is safety. Will keep all updated. 

Sue Hardy CPYC RC Chair

Thu Jun 08, 2023 : 10:32

Rumble I info

Reminder to all that next week June 14th, Wed night racing will be Rumble I run by Constitution Yacht Club. Entrants will need to register seperately for this event on the  RMS calendar but there is no charge for it as it is included in the CPYC/BHHR entry.  Be sure to read the sailing instruction posted on RMS to check what class you are in, and start times. The Rumbles use MBSA class splits and starts are in reverse order with slowest boats first, Generally the clock will run between classes with no break. This is all defined in the Rumble I SIs.


Thu Jun 01, 2023 : 14:46

Last Night's Times

Good Afternoon

I have posted the finish times for Class A from last night's race so that you all can compare boats performance. Please note the following as you make your comparisons.

1. The cpurse that the RC intended P-A-H was 6.28 nm long and was sailed by Alize and Yihtsy

2. The Course of P-A-P-A-H was 6.00 nm and was sailed by Dharma, LaFawnduh, Tonga and Extra Beat.

As previously notified, the results from this race will not bw counted for Class A in Series I cumulative results, nor in the Season long results. Again hey are posted only for comparison purposes.



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