Request ORA Rating Data

This form is to be used by any club or organization to request access to the ORR and/or ORR-EZ ratings database. Once your request has been approved and the IP Address provided has been authorized access, you may use the link(s) supplied to download the current ratings data. This data is supplied in .CSV file format that can be imported into most spreadsheet programs or imported into another database with some basic programming skills.

Please note: Regatta Management Solutions (RMS) provides this rating data "as is". It is up to the recipient to perform any matching to specific boats. RMS also reserves the right to change the format of this data at any time and to deauthorize any organization from access to the data.

Name of Requesting Organization:

Name of contact person:

Contact Email Address:

IP Address: (This is the IP address of the computer that will be requesting the download)

Which ratings are you requesting? (pick one or more): ORR ORR-Ez

* I have read and accept the above conditions of use for this data.
(You must check "Yes" for your request to be accepted)

(you must complete the equation for the submit button to activate)


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