Rhodes 19 Fleet 46
2024 Rhodes 19 National Championship
  • Purchaser/Owner:
    Kim Pandapas

Regatta Entry Information:

Skipper of Record:
(if this NOT the owner of record stated above, you can enter the name that will appear on the scratch sheet here.)
(Please enter the name in "Last, First" format so that it will sort properly.)

Crew Status: There are no crew limitations set for this event but they are all required to register. Use this button to view crew list, send invitations and view registration status here:

Race Fee: $335.00
The entry fee will cover racing and social activities, dinners, etc. for skippers and crew for Fri.,Sat., and Sun.
Late Fee: $0

A late fee of $75.00 will be added for Entries paid after Aug 9th, 2024 23:59

Guest Dinner Ticket: $35.00 each - SubTotal: $0.00
Guests are invited to attend Friday or Saturday night parties at a cost of $35.pp per night

Total: $0.00


Waiver of Liability:
By checking this box I certify that I have read and accepted the Waiver of Liability. (shown below)
Acceptance confirmed by Kim Pandapas Owner checking the box and submiting the form on 2024-07-20 10:54:34Location:

In consideration of the acceptance of my application to participate in the Rhodes 19 National Championship and with an understanding that there are risks inherent in sailboat racing, I do for myself, my personal representatives, family, heirs and assigns, waive all claim against and release and discharge the organizing clubs, the host organizations and other sponsors and sponsoring yacht clubs, their respective officials, directors, agents, members, employees, servants and race committee personnel from any and all claims, demands, liability, causes of action and damage of any nature whatsoever, as may accrue both now and in the future arising out of the participation of the above entry in any activity of the above event. Further, I hereby represent and warrant that the above entry in the above event will be outfitted, crewed, equipped and handled in such a fashion as to be safe and seaworthy, that the above entry will have all necessary equipment on board and that it will be competently manned and skippered. I further acknowledge that the decision whether to race or to continue to race, rests solely exclusively and finally with the owner and the skipper. I agree to be bound by The Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules that govern this event.

© Copyright: 2024 Regatta Management Solutions