Courageous Sailing Center
2024 Flip Flop Regatta
  • Purchaser/Owner:
    Mark Fitzgerald

Regatta Entry Information:

Skipper of Record:
(if this NOT the owner of record stated above, you can enter the name that will appear on the scratch sheet here.)
(Please enter the name in "Last, First" format so that it will sort properly.)

Sail Configuration?: (if you will be flying a spinnaker, select SPIN(spinnaker).)
What division are you sailing in?

Race Fee: $125.00
Late Fee: $0

A late fee of $25.00 will be added for Entries paid after Jul 31st, 2024 18:00

Skipper Sponsorship Levels: $300.00
Becoming a Skipper Sponsor is a great way to help Courageous by potentially doubling your contribution if your employer has a matching gift program for qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.

If entering the Pirates, Live Aboards and Cruiser class...:
...Please tell us what makes your boat go slow
Item Name: - SubTotal: $0.00Item Name: - SubTotal: $0.00Overnight Dockage at Courageous Sailing, if reserved on or before July 27: $50.00 each - SubTotal: $0.00Transient Dockage at Courageous, if reserved on or before July 27: $25.00 each - SubTotal: $0.00

Total: $0.00


Waiver of Liability:
By checking this box I certify that I have read and accepted the Waiver of Liability. (shown below)
Acceptance confirmed by Mark Fitzgerald Owner checking the box and submiting the form on 2024-07-02 13:55:16Location:

Each boat owner and crew member acknowledges that he or she participates in Flip Flop Regatta at his or her own risk (see RRS 4, Decision to Race), and warrants and represents that he or she will comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the organizing_club and any applicable state and federal laws. Each boat owner and crew member agree to grant organizing_club a waiver of any loss or liability arising from participation by the boat owner and crew member in any Event prior to, during, or after said Event.

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