BHYC is hosting a slightly different kind of Junior regatta -- the Battle of the Bay. While there will still be the classic staples (course racing, food, friends and t-shirts), we are expanding what a Junior Regatta looks like. All centerboard dinghies under 20 feet are invited. Classes that have six or more boats will be given a class start and trophies. Classes with fewer than six will be given the option to race in a mixed fleet while they work to get more folks out in their class next year. We know we will have the Optis and 420s, of course, are hopeful the Lasers and Teras will show up, and we hope to see some more unusual classes too. We're also working on a schedule that mixes racing with social events on and off the water. Hope to see you on the (Booth)Bay in July!
Wed Jul 12, 2023 : 18:58
BOTB Lost and Found - Starting with a sail bag!
Did you leave Boothbay Harbro without your grey Quantum opti sailbag? If so - we have it! Reach out to the Club or Chris Liberti and you can grab it when you come back for Maine State Optis in Southport or Maine State 420s here in Boothbay Harbor.
Wed Jul 12, 2023 : 07:56
Wednesday Launching & Hauling
Good morning sailors!
For an effecient launching this morning, before the harbor starts, please get ready.
Optis: you can launch and tie off to the club docks (inside) temporarily
420s/Mixed: you can also launch and tie off to the mooring floats or pier floats temporarily. You can launch two-wide at the bottom of the pier.
When hauling/loading this afternoon - we will endeavor to finalize and do awards as quickly as possible. To facilitate this:
1) If you have a protest, listen for your number. Protests will be held in the One Design Room.
2) When hauling 420s, it works better to have your dolly further away from teh edge of the dock.
3) Please NO PARKING cars in the dirt lot or the paved lot to make room for trailers this afternoon - the grass lot is open.
4) If you haul coach boats before you're ready to leave, leave trailers at the Aquarium. Hail the launch on channel 9 and the launch or a friendly coach with a boat still in the water will collect you.
Thank you! Have a great day today!
Wed Jul 12, 2023 : 07:48
SI - Amendment 2 posted
Please see electronic notice board (Regatta Management website) for Amendment 2, updates to Courses. These will also be posted on the Notice Board at the Club.
Sat Jul 08, 2023 : 13:04
Boat & Trailer Logistics & Coach Info Posted
We have posted a map of the BHYC Campus for boat and trailer dropoff logistics on Monday as well as more detailed information for Coaches (including required equipment, safety plans, and instructions for rigging and launching).
We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday afternoon for some Dead Fish, Feva demos, and checkin (and crew/sail number updating)!
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