CPYC/Boston Harbor Handicap Racing


Thu Aug 27, 2020

Time Reminder

THis note is to remind everyone that our informal Wed races will start at 6:00 pm , one-half hour earlier, because of it is getting dark earlier now, sadly. This will begin next week Sept 6th

Sue Hardy, RC Chair

Sun Aug 09, 2020


THe JFK Regatta is cancelled

Sun Aug 09, 2020


THe JFK Regatta is cancelled

Sat Jul 25, 2020

CPYC Benefit Make-A-Wish Cancelled

The CPYC Pursuit Race to Benefit Make-A-Wish is cancelled.

The CPYC Pursuit Race to Benefit Make-A-Wish has been cancelled.

Sue Hardy, RC Chair

Tue Jul 21, 2020

Wed Informal racing starting 7/22/2020

Finally we are getting out on the water to race as we start our informal races tomorrow night. Thank you to those who hace registered. Please remember to respect the Covid rules iat the club and in the Marina, as well as those for racnig, with respect to numbers, face coverings and disinfecting. Please also sigh into the log located near the snack bar or with the electronic scanner. 

After racing the Pilot House will be available for dinning. Please call ahead from your boat to check availablility. 617-846-9801  Please enter by the front door, not the deck door or back door from the marina. A host will seat you. Mask must be worn in the club but you can remove it whike eating. No ordering at the bar or gathering as usual. Tables seat up to 6 people max.

If you have not registered please do so.

See you on the water!


Sue HArdy, RC CHair

Fri Jul 17, 2020

Wed Spring Series update

We will be starting our infoprmal races this coming Wed July 22. Please read the Notice of Race posted on RMS as there are some changes becase of the races are informal. Look forward to seeing you aout on the water. 

Sue Hardy, RC Chair

Mitch Wiest Regatta Chair

Mon Jul 13, 2020

Wed Informal Races Update

The start of the Wednesday Night Informal races is being postponed until July 22. This action is being taken out of an abundance of caution as there has been an increase of positive Covid 19 tests in Winthrop in the last few days. Our appoligies and understand the frustration. We will continue to update you.

Sue Hardy RC Chair

Mitch Wiest Regatta Chair

Tue Jul 07, 2020

update July 7

The Phase iii step 1 regulations have been posted on mass.gov  They are quite restrictive. The summary of the guidelines follows:

* Boats with 1 person per boat can race on the water in "Competitions" and "Tournaments".

* Boats with 3 people per boat can race on the water in "Competitions".

* Boats with more than 3 people per boat can practice, but not race. 

Pleae have patience as we figure out what we can do to be able to race to some extent. We continue to update everyone.

Sue Hardy, RC Chair

Mon Jul 06, 2020

Wed Night Series Update 7/6/2020

Wednesdaay Night Racing Cleared to Start But ......

July 6 Update 3:30 PM

The goodnews is that Phase iii step 1 is now allowing sailboat racing and regattas, The bad news is that as of today July 6, this information while having been communicated, has not yet been officially posted on the state website ith respect to the rules and regulations. A a result, after much consideration and consultation, the CPYC REgatta Committee and Race Committee are not confortable starting this Wed as we had hoped to do. We are now anticipating doing so next Wed July 15th which is consistent with other ckubs. We are dropping the Wed Night fee once again to $65 for the season pass, with a $5 discout for MBSA members. 

PIf you have not done so yet, pease sign up on regattaman.com for you membership iBoston Harbor Handicap Racing Fleet, your ORR-ez certificate, and register for theWednesday night races. 

Foe the time being, the race comittee will be using a white bord and announcing the course be radio, The automatic sound system will be used. There is limited race committee to run in compliances with the regulations and social distancing. 

The Pilot House and Deck will remain open for members to eat after racing. Please observe the club rules that have been published regardiong entering the club, maskes, and social distancing. Please also respect the published CPYC mnarina rules. 

Thank you for ypur patience. We will keep you updated on any future changes.

Sue HARdy, RC Chair

Mitch Wiest, Regatta Chair

Mon Jul 06, 2020


The Conctitutyion Cup is cancelled this year due to the official reopening of Phase iii step 1 policies having not been posted.

Sun Jul 05, 2020


Good News! Sailboat racing can now take place in Phase III, Step 1.  We are planning on starting racing thie Wed July 8th pending official posting from the state.  Please register. More information will be posted shortly.

Sue Hardy, Race Committee Chair

Wed Jun 24, 2020

Wed Spring Series update 6/24/2020

Given the fact that the state did not open organized racing in the second part of Phase 2, we will not be able to start our Wednesday Night Racing as we had hoped on July 1st. If next week it is announced that Phase 3 will start on Julky 6th, and if  organized racing is permitted, we plan to have our first Wed Night race on July 8th. The season pass price has dropped to $65 ($60 for Mass Bay Sailing members.) 

THank you for you patience as we navigate these uncharted waters.  We will keep you updated.

Sue HArdy Race Committee Chairman

Mitch Wiest, Regatta Committee Chairman

Tue Jun 09, 2020

BHHR/CPYC Wednesday Night Racing

Cottage Park Yacht Club Sailors, Fellow Boston Harbor Handicap Fleet Members and Sports Fans,

Now that Phase I is in our wake (and hopefully gone for good) and that the Commonwealth has initiated Step 1 of Phase II Corvid reopening, Boston Harbor Handicap Racing is looking to resume racing on Wednesday nights.  However, the current regulations do not appear to lift the prohibition on organized racing and given our understanding of what may be included on Phase III,  we hope to start the 2020 Wednesday Night Series on Wednesday July 1st (based on an anticipated start of Phase III on June 29th.

As we approach that date, we will schedule a virtual “skippers meeting”, provide a new Notice of Race (to be posted on www.regatttman.com and share any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Phase III orders.  The good news is as of today, boating with friends (or at least folks not living under the same roof) is now permitted under Phase II (social distancing and face coverings rules still apply), so our RC boats can be properly staffed. 

Please note that we are trying to clarify the state regulations that apply to us and are in communication with the harbormaster, other clubs and Mass Bay Sailing Association. Our plans may change, and we will communicate these to you if and when that happens.

Given the late start, we anticipate only one series this summer and will accordingly reduce the entry fee to $75 ($5 discount with MBSA membership). That equates to $5.84 per race planned for MBSA members.   Based on a July 1 start date, the one series will include 15 scheduled races (with or without the Rumbles – the fate of which is currently uncertain.

Given the continuing prohibition on organized races, CPYC, Boston Harbor Handicap Racing discourages participating in Rogue racing at this time.

Thank you for your patience while we navigate these uncharted waters.


Sue Hardy CPYC RC Chairperson

Mitch Wiest CPYC Regatta Chairperson

Mon Jun 08, 2020

Fellow Boston Harbor Handicap Fleet Members and Sports Fans, Now that Phase I is in our wake (and hopefully gone for good) and that the Commonwealth has initiated Step 1 of Phase II Corvid reopening, Boston Harbor Handicap Racing is looking to resume racing on Wednesday nights.  However, the current regulations do not appear to lift the prohibition on organized racing and given our understanding of what may be included on Phase III,  we hope to start the 2020 Wednesday Night Series on Wednesday July 1st (based on an anticipated start of Phase III on June 29th). As we approach that date, we will schedule a virtual “skippers meeting”, provide a new Notice of Race (to be posted on Regatttman.com) and share any additional requirements that may be imposed by the Phase III orders.  The good news is as of today, boating with friends (or at least folks not living under the same roof) is now permitted under Phase II (social distancing and face coverings rules still apply), so our RC boats can be properly staffed.  Please note that we are trying to clarify the state regulations that apply to us and are in communication with the harbormaster, other clubs and Mass Bay Sailing Association. Our plans may change, and we will communicate these to you if and when that happens. Given the late start, we anticipate only one series this summer and will accordingly reduce the entry fee to $75 ($5 discount with MBSA membership). That equates to $5.84 per race planned for MBSA members.   Based on a July 1 start date, the one series will include 15 scheduled races (with or without the Rumbles – the fate of which is currently uncertain). Given the continuing prohibition on organized races,  CPYC, Boston Harbor Handicap Racing discourages participating in Rogue racing at this time. Thank you for your patience while we navigate these uncharted waters.   Sue Hardy CPYC RC Chairperson Mitch Wiest CPYC Regatta Chairperson

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