Preliminary Results
2014 Spring Series Club Race 3
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Hingham    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout Hingham YC 3301 3
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray Hingham YC 2655 4
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What Hingham YC 122 6 David Calnan & daughter Emily
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot Hingham YC 540 5
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit Hingham YC 2517 2
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze Hingham YC 2368 1
Fleet - Hull    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 11  
Hull Bucklen, Marc & Hnath, Patrick Mermaid Hunter Hull YC 548 4
Hull Curry, David Tool'in Hull YC 1798 1
Hull Dalton, Lisa & Guerin, Claire Wild Irish Rhodes Hull YC 1516 6
Hull Good, Irene & O'Keefe, Theresa Scholar Hull YC 1017 9
Hull Hebert, Mike & Maureen Fandango Hull YC 3101 2
Hull James, Eifion Country Rhodes Hull YC 544 7
Hull Perry, Rob Rhodysseus Hull YC 1734 10
Hull Ryan, Douglas Psycho Killer Hull YC 918 DNS
Hull Sullivan, Dan PT 1677 Hull YC 1677 3
Hull Taylor, Tomasz Light Wave Hull YC 2681 8
Hull Zalewski, Ed Zephyr Hull YC 2370 5
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Hingham    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout Hingham YC 3301 3
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray Hingham YC 2655 4
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What Hingham YC 122 6 David Calnan & daughter Emily
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot Hingham YC 540 5
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit Hingham YC 2517 1
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze Hingham YC 2368 2
Fleet - Hull    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 11  
Hull Bucklen, Marc & Hnath, Patrick Mermaid Hunter Hull YC 548 2
Hull Curry, David Tool'in Hull YC 1798 4
Hull Dalton, Lisa & Guerin, Claire Wild Irish Rhodes Hull YC 1516 DNS
Hull Good, Irene & O'Keefe, Theresa Scholar Hull YC 1017 5
Hull Hebert, Mike & Maureen Fandango Hull YC 3101 3
Hull James, Eifion Country Rhodes Hull YC 544 7
Hull Perry, Rob Rhodysseus Hull YC 1734 9
Hull Ryan, Douglas Psycho Killer Hull YC 918 DNS
Hull Sullivan, Dan PT 1677 Hull YC 1677 1
Hull Taylor, Tomasz Light Wave Hull YC 2681 8
Hull Zalewski, Ed Zephyr Hull YC 2370 6
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Hingham    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout Hingham YC 3301 2
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray Hingham YC 2655 3
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What Hingham YC 122 6 David Calnan & daughter Emily
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot Hingham YC 540 4
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit Hingham YC 2517 1
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze Hingham YC 2368 5
Fleet - Hull    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 11  
Hull Bucklen, Marc & Hnath, Patrick Mermaid Hunter Hull YC 548 3
Hull Curry, David Tool'in Hull YC 1798 1
Hull Dalton, Lisa & Guerin, Claire Wild Irish Rhodes Hull YC 1516 DNS
Hull Good, Irene & O'Keefe, Theresa Scholar Hull YC 1017 9
Hull Hebert, Mike & Maureen Fandango Hull YC 3101 4
Hull James, Eifion Country Rhodes Hull YC 544 6
Hull Perry, Rob Rhodysseus Hull YC 1734 8
Hull Ryan, Douglas Psycho Killer Hull YC 918 DNS
Hull Sullivan, Dan PT 1677 Hull YC 1677 2
Hull Taylor, Tomasz Light Wave Hull YC 2681 7
Hull Zalewski, Ed Zephyr Hull YC 2370 5
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Hingham    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout Hingham YC 3301 5
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray Hingham YC 2655 3
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What Hingham YC 122 6 David Calnan & daughter Emily
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot Hingham YC 540 2
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit Hingham YC 2517 1
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze Hingham YC 2368 4
Fleet - Hull    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 11  
Hull Bucklen, Marc & Hnath, Patrick Mermaid Hunter Hull YC 548 4
Hull Curry, David Tool'in Hull YC 1798 2
Hull Dalton, Lisa & Guerin, Claire Wild Irish Rhodes Hull YC 1516 DNS
Hull Good, Irene & O'Keefe, Theresa Scholar Hull YC 1017 9
Hull Hebert, Mike & Maureen Fandango Hull YC 3101 1
Hull James, Eifion Country Rhodes Hull YC 544 6
Hull Perry, Rob Rhodysseus Hull YC 1734 7
Hull Ryan, Douglas Psycho Killer Hull YC 918 DNS
Hull Sullivan, Dan PT 1677 Hull YC 1677 3
Hull Taylor, Tomasz Light Wave Hull YC 2681 8
Hull Zalewski, Ed Zephyr Hull YC 2370 5
FleetNameYacht NameClubSail No.PlaceNotes
Fleet - Hingham    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout Hingham YC 3301 4
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray Hingham YC 2655 2
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What Hingham YC 122 5 David Calnan & daughter Emily
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot Hingham YC 540 3
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit Hingham YC 2517 1
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze Hingham YC 2368 6
Fleet - Hull    Start: 18:00:00   # of Racers: 0  
FleetNameYacht NameSail No.PlacePointsRace - PlaceRace - PointsNotes
Fleet - Hingham    # of Races: 5     # of Entries: 6     # of Starters: 6  
Hingham Harris, Perry Husky and Stout 3301 4 12 3325433254
Hingham Johnson, Nancy & Rik Stingray 2655 3 12 4433244332
Hingham Lauter, Irma & Tally Now What 122 6 23 6666566665
Hingham Mullaley, Michael Long Shot 540 5 14 5542355423
Hingham Randall, George White Rabbit 2517 1 4 2111121111
Hingham Wilson, Barbara & Ken Cool Breeze 2368 2 12 1254612546
Fleet - Hull    # of Races: 4     # of Entries: 11     # of Starters: 11  
Hull Bucklen, Marc & Hnath, Patrick Mermaid Hunter 548 4 13 4234-4234-
Hull Curry, David Tool'in 1798 1 8 1412-1412-
Hull Dalton, Lisa & Guerin, Claire Wild Irish Rhodes 1516 10 42 6DNSDNSDNS-6121212-
Hull Good, Irene & O'Keefe, Theresa Scholar 1017 8 32 9599-9599-
Hull Hebert, Mike & Maureen Fandango 3101 3 10 2341-2341-
Hull James, Eifion Country Rhodes 544 6 26 7766-7766-
Hull Perry, Rob Rhodysseus 1734 9 34 10987-10987-
Hull Ryan, Douglas Psycho Killer 918 11 0 DNSDNSDNSDNS-12121212-
Hull Sullivan, Dan PT 1677 1677 2 9 3123-3123-
Hull Taylor, Tomasz Light Wave 2681 7 31 8878-8878-
Hull Zalewski, Ed Zephyr 2370 5 21 5655-5655-
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Hull Report - June 12

First lesson learned of the night, In an easterly its always warmer on the boat than on the Hull YC porch.

11 Boats in the starting area although, Doug Ryan had a bit of trouble with his main, Doug here's a link for you.

Gusty winds make for a good night to have two big guys on board, we were able to keep the boat pretty flat and ride the gusts for some nice lifts all night.

We got lucky in the first race and picked a committee boat start arbitrarily, and it turned out to be slightly favored, becoming more and more favored as the night went on as the wind shifted right. I haven't totally figured out why but l have noticed that it seems on these easterlies that the left side of the course has more pressure. We went almost to the port layline and manage to round right ahead of the Hebert's, Fought them off downwind and had a great covering tacking duel back to the committee. Good fun!

Second race, thought I nailed the line and pushed Mike over early, but heard the dreaded horn and the my number was called, oops. Managed to fight our way back to 4th place after the downwind leg and while covering Ed Z on the left, almost got caught by Irene and Theresa, Where did they come from???? Great Job Irene and Theresa.
Nailed the committee boat in the next two races, and as the wind shifted right sailed the long first leg in clear air almost fetching the mark in the last race. For some unknown reason the boat was both pointing pretty well and fast downwind.

Last race we remembered to look at the course board, noticing Tom M was up to his old tricks changing to a B course for the last race. Then I promptly forgot about it till Jim reminded me 1/3 of the way down wind, but we were lucky and had jibed over right away. Thought we might catch Dan and Mike unaware as it looked like they were sailing way right and going to the leeward mark, but they figured it out. Fortunately we got 2nd and that was enough to win the night.

It's was Pizza Roadhouse night, Pizza was great and Doug, Joel, and Carlos provided some great entertainment.

And best of all I got to wear the 'now coveted' beer holster. Although it appears that when Mike H bought it, he was the only guy that tried it on!

A great night.

Dave and Jim

Hingham Observations - June 12

Interesting night of sailing. Lots of threatening clouds and gusty/shifty winds out of southeast around 10 knots. Dead low tide. No Rain.

Pretty Short starting line so not a great night for port starts. Starts seemed to follow a similar pattern - run down the committee boat side and look for a good spot. Everyone seemed to underestimate how fast they would get to the line so most boats seemed a little early on a consistent basis and several boats over early on a few of the starts. Over early in a Rhodes punishes you like few boats I have raced - bad. The consistent go-fast Wilsons got caught over and on a short course at the end of the night had a tough time recovering.

Sailing upwind was tricky - lots of shifts and plenty of up/down velocity. In a laser you would probably tack in that header - in a Rhodes I guess you grit your teeth because tacking is not fast.

Lots of consistency in the fleet - everyone seemed to stay pretty well bundled together with boats rounding the windward mark pretty tightly packed. The left side of course seemed to be the happy place but sometimes you have to work the side of the course you are dealt. Coming in on the lay line from the right you seemed to get consistently knocked (and you are thinking that you have to tack your Rhodes AGAIN) and then a nice big lift got you to the mark-nice. I think the windward mark was in about 5 feet of water so watch your keel on the extra scope on the mark! I didn't see anyone hook it but we were afraid to get to close.

Last race was backward rounding of windward mark and then reach through the anchorage to finish in front of the gas dock. We tried to get our Rhodes planning on that reach but just couldn't get it there - there must be some trick that we haven't learned yet.

Move of the night: Mullaley (Sneaky Red boat) rounds the windward mark in 5th (I think) and finishes 2nd by sticking to the right side and not following the leaders - great call of not jibing and picking your own line to the finish.

A tip of the cap to the solo race committee dude for setting a square line and keeping it square. I believe he was rewarded on the dock eventually with a cold beer.

Final thought:

3 boats last week - fun
6 boats this week - more fun
9 (or 19) boats next week - would be wicked fun.

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