2024 ORR Certificates - Terms & Definitions

Certificate Year:

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OD Cert Types
Cert TypeDescription
Trial Certificate Fully Measured ORR
Renew Certificate ORR Fully Measured With Sail Changes
One Design Certificate
Renewal Changes
Renewal Certificate
New Certificate
Trial Certificate
Renewal Certificate Hull,Prop,AppendagesHPA (Hull, Prop & Appendage) changes incur additional cost.
Experimental Certificate
Mid Season Changes
Mid Season Revision Hull,Prop,Appendages
Scratch Boat Certificate ORR-Ez
2nd Cert TypeThis is a 2nd Cert Type in the year
Addl New Certificate ORR-Ez
Upgrade Cert ORA-AR to ORR-Ez
Trial Certificate Hull,Prop,AppendagesHPA(Hull, Propeller, Appendages) change(s) incur additional cost.